Baldy saves the Barrow-boy's bacon

Michael Mc N'e'er-do-well is a man with right-wing sympathies. He isn't quite a fascist though, not in the mould of the GRA squadristi. He gets upset when he is the target of personal abuse, so, if you're reading this Michael, turn away. He was born with a silver foot up his arse, but for anyone who ever observed him walking up Kildare Street to the Irish parliament there was an uncomfortable feeling that that wasn't the only thing he liked up his arse. He used to wear this white suit and let's just say he was effected in his deportation. A friend of mine from Brighton, on seeing him exclaimed: "Oooooh, Get Her!!!!" and followed up with a question as to whether he was married. I assured him he was but got the reply. "That proves nothing."
Now I think it is fairly obvious that I don't like Michael Mc Ne'er Do Well that much. But you know, he probably doesn't like me a bunch either. We both have to live on the same planet sort of stuff. But leaving aside the personal abuse and dislike there is one thing that I have to say about Baldy: he is the Minister. He is appointed by and responsible to the legislature of this banana republic. We're a democracy, and that's how we do things in democracies. It is a fundamental principle called the separation of powers. Now Democracy and the separation of powers are probably too complicated for the likes of GRA general secretary P.J. Stoned - let's face it you don't have to be Mastermind to get in Templemore - but as public servants the police must accept government policy and implement it. They cannot oppose it or undermine it. If they are not happy with the minister's Police Reserve they can only do one thing - get out. In fact I believe that any attempt to undermine or obstruct the acts of the legislature can be construed as acts of insubordination. And the response of the minister in such circumstances must be to sack those policemen and policewomen who are standing in the way of the police reserve. What's more their dismissal must be accompanied by the removal of all pension entitlements. A bit harsh maybe? Well their actions are nothing short of rebellion against the democratic and constitutional order, and they should count themselves lucky not to be imprisoned. Let's face it in some "Police States" they might be tortured or even executed.
And remember that the Irish police force, while numbering amongst its members many brave and hard-working souls, has been found by a commission of enquiry to be riddled with serious indiscipline and corruption. The response of the GRA? Hardly surprising. More or less "Shut up yez fuckers or we'll bring yez into the barracks and beat the shit out of ye". The response of the Police Commissioner? "We knew what was going to be in the commission's report before it was published and we've addressed all the issues already, so there's no problem." Commissioner Noel Conroy is wasted. Look at all the money he could make as a clairvoyant. Instead he wears a ridiculous uniform with epaulettes. He should be sacked as he is patently incompetent.
We're talking high stakes here. If we are sincere about defending our democratic values we must be prepared to fight for them against thugs in our midsts. And if P.J. Stoned and his fascist thugs don't like living in a democracy they can fuck off to somewhere more to their liking like Burma, or maybe they can join Borat in Kazakhstan. But I forget: as they are such a linguistically challenged crowd they'd have to go to somewhere where English is spoken.
Baldy McDowell is supportive, on paper at least, of another praiseworthy development; greater recruitment by our dear guards of members of ethnic minorities. Are you mad Mick? If white members of the reserve are to be hated and detested just think what some poor bastard from Nigeria or Zimbabwe would have to face,
And just to make up for calling him Baldy I've given him some nice hirsute locks. He can't ask for more.
Labels: closet homosexuality, fascists, Irish politics, police, racism
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